Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Facts about Prokaryotic cells

  • cells that lack a membrane-bound nucleus
  • has few internal structures
  • they have chromosomal DNA
  • Three major shapes - rod shaped, spherical, and spiral
  • unicellular
  • prokaryote came from greek word before
  • Belongs to two taxonomic domains: Bacteria and the archaea.
  • pilli- used as attachment purpose when exchange plasmids for asexual reproduction.
  • three layers of protection
  • plasma small DNA loop
Contrary to Eukaryotic cells 
  • no nucleus 
  • ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic cells
  • genomes of it held within irregular DNA.
  • have larger surface area to volume. It provides them higher metabolic and higher growth rate. 
Common with Eukaryotic cells
  • DNA 
  • flagellum- used as movement purpose
  • both has ribosomes. (produce protein.)
  • cytoplasm
  • cell membrane

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