Sunday, September 25, 2011

Passive and Active transportation

Found helpful video about Passive and Active transportation


Egg's Water Transfer Lab

Data Table of Corn syrup dipped Egg 

weight (cm)
Circumference (cm)
Liquid left (ml)
Day 1

Graph: 'Sweet' Egg's changes

Data table of Alcohol dipped Egg

Weight (grams)
Circumference (cm)
Liquid left (ml)

Graph: 'Drunken' Egg's changes

This 'egg's water transfer lab' was about osmosis testing experiment. (*Osmosis is a diffusion-like molecule transferring procedure that is only consisted with water. Moreover, water moves from high concentration to lower concentration.)Corn syrup and Alcohol are like two opposite liquids that contain clearly different amount of water.

Osmosis video Click! 

*As a result, Corn syrup dipped Egg has its mass dropped. In contrast, Alcohol dipped Egg had its mass increased.* (will be explained later.) 

Few weeks ago our class started a new chapter call 'diffusion'. And as we started to learn about diffusion, facilitated-diffusion, and osmosis, Ms.Silva assigned us to start our Egg osmosis lab, which I renamed it to 'Egg's face change lab'. Luckily, this lab was simple, we just had to choose our liquids to carry out our experiments, and keep track of Egg's changes. 
The goal of this investigation was to define what had happened to the both eggs, and try to understand why. Moreover, my personal goal was to learn more about the confusing osmosis through experiments. 
Day1: When I entered my science class, strong smell of vinegar stung my nose. Resisting the smell, my group was chosen. 
Emyr, Pedro and I chose two good looking eggs (: One had mass of 67.6 grams and circumference of 16.5 cm. The other one had 68.3 grams with 15.5 cm of circumference. It was amazing how the eggs kept its shape without the shell. 
To describe the egg's feature, it had white blurry looking color, vaguely looking york, soft texture, Bouncy, Cold, and smelly. As I wrote the feature down, our group measured 80ml of corn syrup, and alcohol. We then dipped the eggs inside the cup. To prevent weird things from going in, we covered the top with a paper... 
*I predicted that the egg will change its color due to different types of solution. At that time, I didn't expect the eggs to change its shape and mass. 

Day2: About 24 hours passed since we left the egg inside the two liquids. Surprised, when I took the eggs out from the cups, they both were 'dyed'. One that was dipped inside the corn syrup had light brownish color. And one that was dipped in alcohol seemed to have paler (more white) color. Surprised, we measured its mass and circumferences. 
Egg that was dipped into the corn syrup had its mass and circumference decreased. 57.3grams and 15.8cm. However, 80ml of corn syrup was increased to 86ml. 
Contrasting to corn syrup one, Alcohol dipped egg had its mass and circumferences increased. 73.4grams and 17cm. However, alcohol dropped from 80ml to 72ml. 
When we took both of the eggs out, they both had their distinct smell, alcohol and corn syrup mixed with vinegar... gross;;;.....

Day3: We haven't checked the egg from about 72 hours. I wonder how the eggs have changed after the weekend.... (: 
When we took the eggs out, their colors had significantly changed. Corn syrup dipped egg now had darker Brownish color, and Alcohol dipped Egg now had 'thicker' white color. Taking them out, we could vaguely make out that they had different sizes. 
Corn syrup dipped egg had 53.2grams of mass, 14.2 cm of circumference, and 88ml of the liquid (corn syrup) left. 
Alcohol dipped egg had 75.2grams of mass, 17.4cm of circumference, and 69ml of water left. 
Finally, all the groups got chances to cut their eggs, the result was surely astonishing. 
Alcohol dipped egg had its inside turned into solid-like stage. However, corn syrup dipped egg was 'tougher' to cut. It had its whitish part liquid and york part a half-solid state. . . 
Now this result gave me a question of "How did osmosis, affected the inside of the egg?"........

To sum up, different from the start, the eggs ended up with two totally different color. One with Brown and one with pale white. Moreover, I could say that my prediction was partially correct; however, eggs also had changes in their mass. As you see in the graph, due to the osmosis, the water inside the eggs changed and occurred mass and shape changes. Surprisingly, both eggs had opposite results. Corn syrup one had its mass decreased throughout the experiment; however, alcohol one had its mass increased. . . Also, as mentioned previously, their inside has changed too........ 

Cornsyrup dipped egg had its shape kind of 'crunched' and its mass dropped. This is due to the water coming out from the egg, and spreading out to the cornsyrup which has lower water concentration. 
Alcohol dipped egg had its shape 'roundy' and its mass included. Water that was in the alcohol moved inside the egg, filling 'extra-more'. With the extra water mass, egg's mass increased. 

Video of osmosis lab Click!

explanation: As people already know, corn syrup is very sticky, which means it contains low amount of water. As corn syrup contained lower amount of water then an egg, water inside the egg, which has higher concentration, moved outside of its egg. (osmosis) When this occurred, the egg kept on getting its water drained, and that lead to its mass drop. And as the mass decreased, its circumference dropped too. 
80ml of Alcohol contains more water then 80ml of Corn syrup and an egg. Therefore, water that was contained in the alcohol moved into the egg which had the lower concentration of water. Moreover, that lead to extension of Egg's mass and circumference. 

*Just my guess, but I think the alcohol dipped Egg might've popped. Different from plant cells, egg contains animal eukaryotic cells which can outbreak(explode) after containing certain limits of water. amount. 

I also guess that there were some special molecules in the alcohol that made the protein-full whitish part to clump together and make a solid figure... 

While carrying out the experiment, I found possible error sources. 
Measuring, mis-doing procedures. 
On the mass-measuring scale, there was like a plate that weighted about 31grams. Moreover, when Emyr was measuring them, he forgot to subtract 31grams. If I didn't catch this, my data could've turn out as a 'mis-data'. Also, measuring the left liquid was also a concern. When we were measuring the liquids, we putted them into graduated cylinder. Moreover, some of the students read them in a wrong way. Their eye level should've matched the 'cylinder water' level. 
Also, when writing the data results, some of the people got confused because they just wrote Egg 1 and Egg 2 instead of Corn syrup- Egg and Alcohol-Egg. 
Procedure mistakes: pouring the liquids out for each time, accidentally putting an egg into a wrong plastic cup, accidentally popping the egg.. etc.. :P In order to prevent this problem from occurring we really should be careful and read the instructions more attentively. . . 

Team work evaluation: 
First, our team seemed to work pretty good. We were working together, engaged looking the egg, observing, measuring etc... however, as we did things quickly we started to walk around the classroom and talked to other students. Not only this, our group once had measured the eggs' mass wrong; moreover, this could've caused the misleading data. As the time passed, I started to work separately to Emyr and Pedro. In my case, I didn't like the way how they worked. Pedro and Emyr constantly spoke in Portuguese, and ordered me lots of things to do while in the process of writing the observations down. Angry, I started to work away from them. However, even though I worked 'away' from them, I still supported them by suggesting the way of measuring, writing the observations, etc... 

By doing the Osmosis lab, I learned its concept clearly with visual supports. First, I didn't understand the way how water moved in and out; moreover, as we did the osmosis lab, I was able to see the physical changes that the eggs went through with the process of osmosis. Now, I'm positive that I can explain osmosis to the others. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Boat speech- endoplasmic reticulum

"Boat captain, you should save me the great endoplasmic reticulum. I am the most important organelle that is consisted with two types. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Basically, my job is known as carrying proteins and other materials to golgi appartus and other organelles. Well to be more specific, ribosomes that are attached in the wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins and gets send to Golgi appartus. Golgi appartus is a place where it packages the received materials, and distributes them to other organelles. However, other part of me, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is consisted with tubules and vesicles. Moreover, The network of SER allows increased surface area for the action or storage of key enzymes and the products of these enzymes. 
With all these vital functions of me the great endoplasmic reticulum, your body will have problem having enough protein production. 
Well, because of the diffusion law, you'll have to take extra more protein rich food to cover the amounts that endoplasmic does not produce. Therefore, make sure to save me ;)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Quiz reflection

Last week, we took a quiz about cells. 
Eukaryotic (plant, animal) and prokaryotic. The quiz was pretty simple, however, it required our knowledge of their functions and structures. 
I thought I did well on the test, because I asked my doubts on the day before. 
unfortunately, the result was lower that I expected. I got comparing and labeling part right, however, I've got connection part wrong. 
The question asked us to right down connections between ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and golgi appartus. I already knew that ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum produce protein for cell's energy. However, I got my points taken off in the part describing soft endoplasmic reticulum and golgi appartus. 
Also, at the last part, I didn't read the question carefully and again got my points taken off. 
I felt ashamed, I was too self-confident with myself. 
After this happening, it made me to reflect upon my usual behavior in the class. 
"I should be more attentive."